New Utah Standards - New Tools
November 14, 2022
ObserverTab is proactively preparing for the changes in the Utah Effective Teaching Standards (UETS). We’re currently field testing prototype tools based on the new Utah standards and elements including a Teacher Self-Assessment, a Professional Growth Plan, and a prototype evaluation as part of an essential toolset to support teachers transition to the new UETS.
These prototypes will be revised throughout the school year as we receive further direction from the USBE and feedback from our field test sites. If you’d like to preview these prototypes, please contact us. We’ll keep you posted on their progress.
CA – Educator Effectiveness Funding Block Grant - $1.5 Billion (SACS 6266)
Grant applications were submitted Dec. 2021. Funding years include 2022-26.
One-time funding provided to county offices of education, school districts, charter schools, and state special schools to provide professional learning for teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, and classified staff in order to promote educator equity, quality, and effectiveness.
Funds may be used to support professional learning for certificated teachers, administrators, paraprofessional educators and certification staff with a focus on any of the ten areas below.