Faster Debriefing (Coaching) Conversation

Give the teacher his/her data before the debriefing conversation with these directions:

  • Highlight in GREEN what you are pleased with.

  • Highlight in YELLOW 2-3 things you would like to discuss.

Debriefing Conversation (coaching stance)

  • As you look at your GREEN highlights, what are you pleased with? What did you do that caused that to happen?

  • What did you do in this observation that you want to do every time you teach?

  • As you look at your YELLOW highlights, what are you wondering? What would that look like if it had gone exactly how you wanted?

  • What will you change in the future?

  • What is your # 1 focus for immediate implementation?


  • What would you like our work together to look like as you implement ___________?
    (put a date on the calendar)

Download PDF of Faster Debriefing (Coaching) Conversation

Developed by Annette Brinkman, ObserverTab Coach
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