Better Outcomes Begin With Diagnostic Audits
Whether you start with one school, all Title I schools, or your entire district, our team is here to work in partnership with you on a plan for School Improvement to support your goals to…
improve teacher quality and retention
help set your direction for professional learning over time
increase student engagement and achievement
support a new Administrator with a roadmap to start their journey
“Data gathered through the ObserverTab toolset supports the identification of patterns of growth and need in teacher practice, so instructional leaders can coach, consult, model, and collaborate to achieve measurable gains.” —Elementary Principal
Step 1. Gather Data
Diagnostic Observations note everything that happens within a classroom. Interviews and surveys provide additional perspectives. Data is shared for reflection, clarification and understanding.
Step 2. Analyze the Data
Summary reports provide a reflective discussion for planning. You can use the summary report for your own planning, or you choose to have us present and facilitate further discussions and reflections.
Our team works in collaboration with you to develop an Implementation Plan that addresses the areas of need identified, and how best to address those needs over time with the Coaching Tools within ObserverTab.
Please use the Contact Form to schedule a conversation about Diagnostic Audits.
Drop-In Observation Tools for Hybrid Learning
Share rubrics of best practices for traditional, hybrid, and remote learning to …
Increase student engagement and interactivity
Set expectations for exemplary digital practices within observations
Customize observation forms and coaching tools to fit your school’s learning model
Use as a Formative tool for feedback to sharpen new skills over multiple observations
Use as a Summative tool to document evidence of progress over time
Coaching and Mentoring Tools
Diagnostic and Coaching Tools are now available to support coaches’ work with teachers in their transition to Hybrid or Blended Learning .
These online tools are FREE with your subscription to ObserverTab.
Contact us for a free demonstration of the Coaching toolset and the NEW Blended Learning Observation Tool.
Boost Instructional Effectiveness
OBSERVERTAB® delivers data-driven tools for administrators to support teachers’ formative and summative growth. Rubric based tools quickly gather evidence of teachers’ strengths and areas of need to inform professional learning. Coaching and Mentoring tools support teachers’ growth in targeted areas.
ObserverTab offers administrators fast and efficient tools to guide teachers’ growth.
Virtual or Onsite Workshops and facilitations include guided walk-throughs for teachers, principals and district administrators.
See Teacher Resources to view educator’s favorite books about The Big 8 Skills to boost both student engagement.
Real-World Results
“Sustained Large-Scale Reform Can Improve Teacher Capacity and Quality”
Summit Academy Schools
The Challenge: Summit Academy Schools wished to build and maintain a growth mindset and culture in a setting characterized by students who were not engaged and a faculty that desired a shared vision.
The Results:
12% growth in Focused Learning
19% increase Engaged Learning
5% increase in Teacher Retention
“Debriefing with teachers has been the highlight of my year, as I was able to support and encourage teachers as they defined their own next steps.“ Diana Brantley, Principal, Bluffdale Campus, K-6